Here's the last installment of my Belgian adventures!
Time to move on! Next up, will be recording blogs!

left to right: Back: Erwin, Paul, Marie-Roos, Guy. Front: Jean-Paul, Stephane

my dad and Stephane De Roover

aged statue

so many different layers of buildings!

an entrance to a building,...fantastic!

many old buildings and churches were being renovated/cleaned/repaired

The Flemish lion

door to nowhere on a river

this is an attempted recreation of a drawing that my dad's brother Eric did when he was younger.

Windows and doors! (of course I'd bring it up!)

Perfect picture, except for the anachronistic green van!

he just looks so sad!

translation: Health Pharmacy

scattered throughout Brugges, these tell you the speed limits in school zones

my grandmother's house

more wind turbines

mud in the fields...

I like this photo in two different dimensions...


another church

plant magic!

my grandfather's grave

his gravestone

random gravestone

my uncle Antoon, Moemoe, and dad

church in Lokeren

The masthead of a ship in a restaurant in Lokeren

"yeah, i got gold, frankincense and myrrh, but
this guy didn't bring me anything!"
gentile humor...

epic church statues

shining a light

about to behead Saint Barbara

Antoon, Moemoe, dad

Is that John Travolta?'s a turkey.

my grandfather's childhood home

the river at sunset

sailing past the moon

Gent (Belgium) city centre at night




a riverfront in Gent (it's not the moon, it's a distant clock tower)

Castle romance in Gent

myself and my cousin Bruno

my friend that I grew up with in Bolivia, over 10 years ago: Inger Kloos, now a professional horse trainer!

Prepping for training

Inger and Ellen Kloos

Inger and Ellen Kloos

The train station in Roosendaal (I think...)

The "Ice House": the City Hall of Den Haag (The Hague) in Holland

potential design for the new International Courts of Justice building in Den Haag. Anyone else see a resemblance with the
Loch Ness Monster?

a very strange looking art installation

they had projections of children's faces on the figures.

it was actually quite frightening to watch. They were installed for World AIDS day

my cousin Paul De Roover

more of the "Ice House"

Paul again

more of the "Ice House"

the architecture is very old, but a few newer buildings seem out of place. The two 'peak' buildings are referred to as "The Tits"

eating a fresh herring

...covered in onions...


seagull, taken by my cousin Paul De Roover

lion statue

golden gate

oh really?

How time flies...

My late grandfather, Paul De Roover
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