Sorry for the delays in the updates, readers!
No doubt I've been busy, not only with the holidays, but getting ready to record!
Here's part 2 of my Belgium photos.

wind energy!

one of the most useful signs for something ridiculously useless.
"who accidentally put their flower bed in the middle of the street?!"

Canadian War Memorial

Canadian War Memorial

Cemetery in a churchyard

stained glass

stained glass

statue in the churchyard cemetery




Inside a museum that allows you to 'experience' the trenches

more trench experiences!

Towards the lobby of the trench 'experience'

The 1st and 2nd floors were all museum pieces, while the basement had been converted into a realistic 'trench' environment.

the view across from the museum

chunks of bunkers

solar powered street signs!

my father outside a German war memorial

myself, outisde of the same German war memorial

Commemorative plaque

Lists upon lists of fallen German soldiers' names

Shadowy figures standing vigil

...always watching... total, there were 63 of these metal sheet lists of soldiers names. well as an entire room with names carved in wood.

more names...


Funniest street sign of the entire trip!

Dunkerque, France at night

Dunkerque, France at night

All the pharmacies (Apothecaries) have brightly lit neon cross signs

Not only a great band, but apparently a delicious beer

Another pharmacy sign, which reminds me of the Romeo and Juliet film featuring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes.
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