I came back to London once again, after getting a phone call from the London Music Club, asking if I'd like to open for another show. I said sure, and found out that it would be for
Said The Whale. I was stoked, and even shaved off my 'moustache' that I had kinda/sorta/notreally been growing for 2 weeks. More like 2 weaks.

The show that night was awesome, as it was my first time hearing STW since having known about them for a few years. The room was pretty full, and everyone was really into it, even for my set!

That night, back at Reggie's, I did some laundry, including a little cleaning rag for my guitar. But when I opened it up, I realized that something had been growing in it as there was some sort of larva in it. That's disgusting for 2 reasons: a) it's a larva. b) all I clean with that rag is my guitar, which is covered in my sweat, so technically, my sweat breeds larva? Gross.
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