Who honestly needs a vehicle like this?

The elementary school

Very strange architecture, especially on the schools

elementary school looking out at the North Mart

The good ol' North Mart

The sky over Iqaluit

Jack Layton talking to people assembled within the elementary school for a feast.

I'm not too focused on politics as you can see...

...and neither is she...

Carrie (in green) with her boyfriend and another friend!

I ended up making lots of excellent music with Andy on the right...who now lives in Revelstoke.

The hillside of Iqaluit

More hillside

The abandoned structure.

A loose piece of sheetmetal.

The abandoned structure.

The abandoned structure.

The abandoned structure.

The abandoned structure.

Inside it...

Abandoned glove...

Walking towards the light

Utterly destroyed

"Don't forget to say Good Bye and Thanks 4 the Future"

A Scary Place.


This is the debris outside of the door of the building.

Bubbles under a thin layer of ice.

Bubbles and ice.


...notice the 'liberal' propaganda in the background...

At the beginning of the Road to Nowhere

ATV's on the Road to Nowhere.

ATV's on the Road to Nowhere.

Amazing view - Road to Nowhere.

Amazing view - Road to Nowhere.

Amazing view - Road to Nowhere.

"Left and Leaving"





An Inukshuk and I.

Ice on the river

Ice on the river

Ice on the river

Great view on the way back still...

Sand blowing over the slight hills...

Ice on the river

Ice on the river

Ice on the river

At the Makkuttukkuvik Youth Centre, where I spent most of my time.

Stephane Dion

Stephane Dion

An airplane, causing interesting shadows...

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