The college residence has a history of hauntings, so I've been told by countless people.
Apparitions have been seen wandering the halls, going in and out of the rooms and more.
There's also a room near mine that will not be 'rented' out, because there was a person formerly in that room that hanged themselves.
Also, with the history of residential schools in the community, after the air base personnel left in the 50's, the residence was turned into a boarding home for children at residential schools. That being said, there was a lot of abuse that was suffered in this building. Spirituality is important up here, and they believe there to be lots of disrupted spirits in this building. I don't know if there have been any documented accounts of altercations with ghosts, but I have yet to see one. The only sounds I hear at night are other residents rolling in their beds (the beds really creak a lot), and the planes that enjoy revving their engines at 12:30 in the morning.
I'll try and take some photos this evening of the college residence, and then post them at another date. Maybe I'll capture a ghost. I like ghosts.
In other news, I almost feel like a political journalist, as I've been attending various political events, such as today's candidate debates, hosted by CBC Radio North. The reason is because I'm interested in seeing whether issues surrounding youth are part of the candidates' political platforms. I was at CBC this morning talking with Patricia Bell, the Circumpolar Affairs Reporter, and she mentioned that Inuit youth migration is becoming more of a political issue. I'm not so sure if the migration aspect is already a political issue, but from the candidate speeches I listened to today, the different motivations behind migration are factors, such as education and improving quality of life for youth up here in Iqaluit. I'm going to be getting in touch with her on Monday, as she's interested in doing a piece on youth migration (and no doubt there'll be some of my music in the background, let's not be silly).
Note: Inuktitut has sounds that are more similar to French than English.
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